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Change Readiness Blog 5 Things Every Leader Wishes Their Team Knew During Change

5 Things Every Leader Wishes Their Team Knew During Change


Change can be an incredibly challenging time for any organization. As transitions unfold, leaders often find themselves wishing their teams understood certain key insights and emotions they are experiencing. Here are five things every leader wishes their team knew during change, along with practical tips on how leaders can communicate these effectively.

1. "I Don't Have All the Answers."

During periods of change, leaders, like everyone else, are navigating uncharted waters. They often feel the weight of needing to provide direction and clarity, yet they themselves are also learning and adapting. This can be likened to a captain steering a ship through a storm; while they have navigational skills, the unpredictable nature of the storm means they don’t always have a clear path forward.

Example : Consider a CEO who recently led her company through a significant technological overhaul. She shared with her team, "When we decided to adopt this new system, I was as uncertain as you. We’re all learning its intricacies together, and while I don’t have all the answers, I am committed to finding them with you."

2. "I Feel the Pressure Too."

Leaders often appear calm and composed, but beneath the surface, they experience stress and pressure just like their team members. The responsibility of guiding others through change adds a layer of intensity to their roles.

Example : A project manager at a mid-sized firm was tasked with overseeing a major restructuring. He opened up to his team, saying, "I know these changes are stressful for you. I feel the weight of ensuring we all come through this successfully, and I’m committed to supporting each of you through this process."

3. "Your Feedback is Invaluable."

Leaders deeply value the insights and suggestions from their team. Constructive feedback can illuminate blind spots and improve decision-making, making the transition smoother for everyone involved.

Example: During a company-wide shift to remote work, a department head emphasized the importance of feedback by saying, "Your input on what’s working and what’s not has been crucial. When you shared that our communication tools were insufficient, we were able to make improvements quickly. Please keep sharing your thoughts."

4. "I Worry About How This Change Impacts You."

Leaders are often concerned about the personal and professional impacts of change on their team members. They understand that change can bring anxiety and uncertainty, and they care deeply about their team's well-being.

Example : An HR director, during a significant policy shift, reassured her employees, "I know these new policies are a lot to take in. I’ve been thinking about how this affects each of you, and my door is always open if you need to talk about any concerns or suggestions."

5. "I'm Committed to Our Success."

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, leaders are dedicated to ensuring their teams succeed and thrive. Their commitment to the collective goal remains unwavering, even in the face of adversity.

Example : A startup founder, amid rapid growth and the accompanying chaos, reminded his team, "Even with all the changes happening, I am here with you every step of the way. Our success is my top priority, and I’m committed to navigating these changes together."

3 Tips on How Leaders Can Communicate These Effectively

1. Hold Open Forums and Q&A Sessions

Regularly scheduled open forums and Q&A sessions provide a platform for leaders to share their thoughts and feelings candidly. These sessions allow team members to ask questions, voice concerns, and feel heard.

Implementation: Schedule a weekly virtual town hall where the floor is open for any questions. Encourage transparency and assure team members that no question is off-limits.

2. Share Personal Stories and Experiences

By sharing personal experiences with change, leaders can build trust and show relatability. This vulnerability can help team members feel more connected and less isolated in their own experiences.

Implementation: During team meetings, leaders can share brief anecdotes about past changes they’ve navigated, highlighting both the challenges and the lessons learned.

3. Provide Regular Updates and Feedback Loops

Maintaining open lines of communication through regular updates and feedback loops shows that leaders value transparency and are actively listening to their team.

Implementation: Send out a weekly update email summarizing progress, acknowledging challenges, and inviting feedback. Establish a dedicated feedback channel where team members can share their thoughts continuously.


By being open and honest about these often unspoken truths, leaders can foster a more trusting and supportive environment. This transparency helps teams navigate change more effectively, knowing that their leaders are right there with them, facing the same challenges and striving for the same successes.

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In a world that never stands still, embracing change is not just an option; it's a necessity. Whether you're navigating through the complexities of digital transformation, restructuring, or cultural shifts, understanding, and managing change effectively is crucial for any organization aiming for sustained success.

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